
Love yourself

Taking care of your own mind and body can feel strenuous sometimes, especially when we are so caught up in the whirlwind of life. We spend a great deal of time focusing on the future or dwelling on the past, that we don’t actually see or feel what is happening to us right now. We’re all so busy… but it really is okay to slow it down just a little. Take care of your body. Be grateful for everyone in your life. Set positive intentions every morning. Choose to let go. Look yourself in the mirror and say “I love you.”

Do you remember growing up and learning to love yourself? Or learning how important it is to work on forgiving yourself? I honestly do not. I personally feel that if we have a healthy mind and body from putting ourselves first sometimes, we have so much more to give to our loved ones.

It’s okay to say “no” sometimes. It’s okay to not allow negative energy in. It’s okay to take a moment and breath. You are worthy.

life, Spirituality

What Spirituality means to me

Spirituality. This fascinating topic has consumed me over the last two weeks. To me, it’s the desire to understand everything; how everything is connected in a certain way. Looking at life as the big picture. Spirituality to me means being interested in so much more than materialistic items.

Spirituality is having the desire to meditate and really look deep into your soul to understand. Meditating brings you to certain places almost like it was a memory. It’s like you have been there before, but not really. After meditating, you feel an overwhelming wave of emotion. Like pure happiness, yet you want to sob. Feeling incredibly sad and happy at the exact same time. How is this even possible?

Your loved ones vent to you about certain things, and of course you are there for them, but you can’t help to think, “but why does it matter?”. You recognize negative energy and hold up your shield. Nope. Not letting this miserable human affect me today.

You no longer want to consume alcohol, because it is doing nothing but altering your level of awareness. Your consciousness feels cloudy after a couple drinks. After I had 1 glass of wine the other night, I decided I did not like the feeling. I just want to understand everything and I feel like being tipsy will cause blockages.

Spirituality is loving yourself unconditionally. Our physical body is simply something that our soul is using for this time being. So take care of it. Do not poison the physical body. Eat well. Avoid consuming harmful chemicals. Be kind to yourself.